...well, at least, I can keep the results here before erase them...
What flower am I?
I'm Nigella
Many people think you are just a little bit odd, but you consider yourself just a little eccentric. You find new experiences exciting and fulfilling.
What rainbow color am I?
I'm Ever (GREEN)
You are freshness, renewal and in hot demand... You believe that sometimes it is best to start things fresh just for the energising buzz an adventure gives you. You love exploring, testing the limits and reaching out and raising bar...
Am I spoiled?
I am 42% spoiled!
You're a little spoiled, but you're not spoiled rotten.
You love to be showered with gifts and affection, but you're good at keeping your demands to a minimum!
Maldives Single Sisters Trip with Trinity!
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
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