Ini hanya meneruskan dari e-mail kiriman salah seorang teman. Kebetulan ia adalah orang Belgia yang sempat lama bermukim di Indonesia. Jadi setidaknya ia paham benar dengan kultur bangsa kita ini.
Dear Friends,
The TV news reported largely on Soeharto's death. He was mainly depicted as the most corrupt leader that has ever existed on earth!!! His wealth was reportedly evaluated from 15 to 30 billions of Euros!!! They also explained that any sorts of big projects needed to be approved by Soeharto's clan and thus he could amass billions of Euros that way thru his cronies, his foundations and his children.
For us, to see the current President at the funerals does not make any sense, except if he is also part of the mafia. Why? Because many Indonesians have suffered from what Pak Harto and his cronies did during 32 years (and are still suffering from it).
Thousands of people lost their life when he took over in 1966 and when he accused PKI of being responsible of the murder of 5 Generals.
Thousands of people also lost their life in East Timor...
When he is called the father of development,one has to remember that the end-result of his 32-year tenure is an economy in a total disarray. Still today, RI is suffering because of the decisions taken by Soeharto's administration, because it has not been replaced yet.
Soeharto should not be pardonned and should not be idealised... He was not a good guy.
Think about it!
PS: Another very bad iklan for Indonesia again with that 747 jet who got an accident on one of your airports in a collision with a cow... It made the headlines and the advice is to NEVER use an Indonesian airline and avoid also Indonesian airports... Very damaging for the 2008 Year of Tourism in RI...
Maldives Single Sisters Trip with Trinity!
5 weeks ago
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