Belakangan ini, gue memang lagi kepincut berat sama lagu 'Sempurna', entah itu yang dinyanyikan 'Andra and The Backbone' atau Gita Gutawa. Seraya menyelesaikan kerjaan di kantor, ternyata enak juga dengerin lagu ini via headphone, seraya chatting sama dia. Iya, dia, siapa lagi.
Gak seperti biasanya, hari ini dia online. Yah, sejak ia diterima bekerja sebagai manajer layanan umum, kami memang sudah jarang sekali bisa ngobrol bersama. Banyak hal yang menjadi topik obrolan kami. Contohnya hari ini, selain bicara tentang aku yang gagal bekerja di Kedubes Perancis, kami bicara tentang hubungan maya-ku dengan
Christian. Tak lupa, hubungannya dengan Tomomi, begitu aku menyebut kekasihnya yang berasal dari Negeri Sakura.
me: hello there
him: hi rosa!
him: how are you?
me: fine
me: u?
him: ok
him: my other cat died last week
him: so i have been a little sad
me: sorry to hear
me: the one which photo u sent me?
him: mm
him: my girl cat
him: she was my love
him: so sweet
him: she helped me a lot to get over losing her brother
him: how is your life?
him: anything new?
me: I had job interview last Tuesday
me: at french ambassador
me: not sure with the result
him: hmm
him: what is the position?
me: attache de press
him: wow
him: cool
him: did the interview go well?
him: did you tell them that you study french and french men?
me: but there're all in my cv
him: you have your love for french men on your cv?
me: to be honest I was satisfied with the inverview
him: that is good
me: beside sometime I was speechless
me: well, I didn't write french men
me: just having bad influence with old american bule
him: they won't hire you if they know that
me: why?
me: isn't it a point plus
him: french don't like americans
him: when will you hear from them if you got the job?
me: this week or next week
me: but I don't want to hope much
me: at least my cv interest them
him: that is good
me: and I had experience have job interview in french
him: did you impress them with your french?
me: at least they understand what I said
me: even I don't have the sexy 'R' accent
him: hmm
him: maybe you won't get the job
him: they like sexy
me: they were 3 persons
me: 2 women 1 man
me: how about u?
me: any news there?
me: how's Tomomi?
me: you've never talked about her lately
him: i have been working a lot
him: finally this week more normal
him: i have days off from work finally
him: tomomi is good
him: i think we are at a strange time
him: been 4 months since we saw each other
him: so not easy for us to go so long without seeing each other
me: hmmm, I see
him: she surprised me last week when she sent me a gift
him: some shaving soap and lotion to make me smell nice
him: how are things with your man?
me: I don't know
me: we keep arguing to each oher
him: haha
him: see you like to argue *maksud loe?*
him has signed out. (5/2/2008 11:25 AM)
him: hello?
me: oops sorry
me: they just called me
me: i don't get the job
him: wow sorry to hear that rosa
him: its good experience though
me: yes
me: that's I mean
him: always something positive to learn from things
me: is it usual there to call someone if they don't accept her/ him for the position?
him: its nice that they did
him: shows class
me: will i get other opportunity the other time?
him: yes keep trying
him: perhaps someone had more experience then you
me: well, at least I know I should read more news from now
me: I never do it lately
him: haha
him: why?
me: busy chatting with u
me: what else
him: haha
him: no way
him: i haven't been online much
him: must be some other bule
me: hhmmm, with him I'm busy arguing
him: what do you argue about?
him: long distance arguing?
me: all
me: when, where the marriage
me: he refuses to marry in church
him: refresh my memory
him: how long have you known him? *hehehe*
me: almost 2 years
him: he lived in indonesia before?
me: nope
him: how many times have you met him in person?
me: none
me: yes, I'm crazy
him: ahhh yes
him: you guys both are
me: actually, I'm not really sure
me: what is your idea then?
him: i think you need to spend time together
him: get to know each other
him: things are very different when you are in person *yeah, that's true*
him: and sharing a life together
him: if you are arguing already...
him: not a good start
me: he should come first to visit me, hein?
him: yes
him: would show how serious he is *tapi kenyataannya tidak tuh*
him: think i told you this before
him: you guys shouldn't be talking about marriage
him: that takes time
him: to know each other
him: not by internet
me: actually, that's him
me: not me
me: he said that he can't stand doing this thing forever
me: but he doesn't want to visit me here
him: i don't blame him but marriage?
him: does he want you to move to france>
him: why don't you go there for a few months?
me: is it okay do you think?
me: me who visit him first?
him: do you plan to live there after you are married?
me: yes
him: maybe its a good idea for you to go there and see how it is
him: and see if you can live with him
him: get a long and all
him: my friend from bali has done this several times
him: and it was very helpful
me: how long do you think?
me: one month?
him: at least
me: but I'm not sure I can the visa
me: beside, I don't think my saving is enough to go there
me: get the visa sorry
him: thats not good
him: my friend never had problem
him: can't he help you?
me: I'll ask him how to do that this afternoon
him: he should help you
him: if he is serious
me: ok
me: what's help I should ask?
him: what you need
him: if its money
him: more important to discuss this than marriage
him: can he afford to help u?
me: I'll ask
me: he once said I'll help if I can
me: I'll ask him more
him: just let him know that you feel its important to visit him and spend time together
him: to see if you both can get a long and your love it true
him: and for you to see if you will be comfortable living there
him: and not sex!
me: off course
him: make sure he knows that
me: I've told him b4
me: but I don't know what will happen when I'm there
him: true
him: the economy here is bad
him: we are so spoiled
him: people aren't spending money now
him: we need a new president
him: once we do the economy will slowly get better
me: i hope so
me: so you won't go to Japan this year?
him: hmm
him: if i am lucky maybe in august or september
him: depends on if i move to my own apartment
him: i am spending money on my car
him: it needs a lot of work
him: my work may send me to japan but not sure when
him: tomomi is planning to come again this year
me: that's good
him: bed time
me: ok
him: good luck with your french guy
him: take care
me: u too
Maldives Single Sisters Trip with Trinity!
5 weeks ago
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