02 February 2008

some silly results from several silly tests

...well, at least, I can keep the results here before erase them...

What flower am I?

I'm Nigella
Many people think you are just a little bit odd, but you consider yourself just a little eccentric. You find new experiences exciting and fulfilling.

What rainbow color am I?

I'm Ever (GREEN)
You are freshness, renewal and in hot demand... You believe that sometimes it is best to start things fresh just for the energising buzz an adventure gives you. You love exploring, testing the limits and reaching out and raising bar...

Am I spoiled?

I am 42% spoiled!

You're a little spoiled, but you're not spoiled rotten.

You love to be showered with gifts and affection, but you're good at keeping your demands to a minimum!

Should We FORGIVE him?

Ini hanya meneruskan dari e-mail kiriman salah seorang teman. Kebetulan ia adalah orang Belgia yang sempat lama bermukim di Indonesia. Jadi setidaknya ia paham benar dengan kultur bangsa kita ini.

Dear Friends,

The TV news reported largely on Soeharto's death. He was mainly depicted as the most corrupt leader that has ever existed on earth!!! His wealth was reportedly evaluated from 15 to 30 billions of Euros!!! They also explained that any sorts of big projects needed to be approved by Soeharto's clan and thus he could amass billions of Euros that way thru his cronies, his foundations and his children.

For us, to see the current President at the funerals does not make any sense, except if he is also part of the mafia. Why? Because many Indonesians have suffered from what Pak Harto and his cronies did during 32 years (and are still suffering from it).

Thousands of people lost their life when he took over in 1966 and when he accused PKI of being responsible of the murder of 5 Generals.

Thousands of people also lost their life in East Timor...

When he is called the father of development,one has to remember that the end-result of his 32-year tenure is an economy in a total disarray. Still today, RI is suffering because of the decisions taken by Soeharto's administration, because it has not been replaced yet.

Soeharto should not be pardonned and should not be idealised... He was not a good guy.

Think about it!


PS: Another very bad iklan for Indonesia again with that 747 jet who got an accident on one of your airports in a collision with a cow... It made the headlines and the advice is to NEVER use an Indonesian airline and avoid also Indonesian airports... Very damaging for the 2008 Year of Tourism in RI...

a little talk in the morning with a friend...

Him, who knows my bad habit complaining, finally ask me this question :
"Who do you complain me to?"

Me : Sorry, I don't understand
Him : I mean Rosa after all those time you complain a lot about people around you,
I'm now wondering, who you complain me to?
Me : I don't complain you
I praise you (Hahaha, rayuan gombal)

Lima tahun lebih aku menjalin pertemanan dengan bule tua ini. Bukan bermaksud meledek, hanya begitulah ia sering menyebut dirinya.

Kalau ditanyakan gimana perasaan gue sama dia, gue sama sekali gak tahu harus menjawab apa. Terus terang gue pernah (dan juga masih seehhh) menyimpan harapan dengan dia. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, perasaan ngarep gue ini luruh namun gak sepenuhnya hilang juga. Mungkin kalau kelak dia jadi menikahi 'Kimono', akan lain lagi ceritanya.

Banyak banget pelajaran hidup yang gue dapat dari dia. Dari soal sex and I mean it.

Me : I don't know. I think I'm not ready for it
Him : One day you will be ready. With the right person and the right man.

Gue juga jadi tahu perbedaan antara 'make love' dan 'have sex'

Him : (Gue udah agak-agak lupa dia ngomong apa tapi intinya kalau make love itu ada
cinta yang kuat di antara dua orang yang melakukannya)

Soal kerjaan,

Me : So, should I say, I don't want to do that thing anymore?
Him : Don't say you don't want to make it. It will sound negative. Just say what you
want to do. It will have a better effect.

Waktu kesengsem ama brondong magang di kantor,

Me : But he's upstair
Him : You should seldom go upstair then.
Me : Are you sure?
Him : Go for it, craddle robber..
Me : What does it mean?
Him : Someone who likes younger men
Me : *Maksud loe?*

Even soal sepele like Baskin & Robbins

Him : Finally you try it. Next time, you should try sex then...

to be continued...

01 February 2008

Cinta Laura...

Gak ada kerjaan di kantor, iseng-iseng baca blog orang lain. Gak tahunya gue bertemu banyak banget posting tentang Cinta Laura. Intinya seh, mereka asyik ngomongin soal cara bicara cewek berusia 14 tahun itu. Maklumlah, doi memang gak terbiasa ngomong bahasa Indonesia meskipun punya mama orang Indonesia.

Terus terang, selama hampir 1,5 tahun kerja di infotainmen, gue belum pernah sekalipun ketemu muka ama Cinta. Kalau wawancara via telpon, pernah dengan sang mama,itupun cuma sekali. Waktu itu, gue butuh detail informasi untuk bahan tambahan main issue : Artis-Artis Berkilau 2007.

Emang gak salah kalau nama Cinta masuk dalam daftar itu. Belum satu tahun dia menjejakkan kakinya di dunia hiburan, namanya udah berkilau dan jadi inceran para pemburu berita seperti gue. Ada faktor 'X' di balik kepopulerannya. Apalagi bukan karena darah bule yang mengalir dari sang ayah.

Dari jaman gue masih make seragam putih-merah ampe sekarang, wajah-wajah indo memang mempunyai tempat istimewa di hati masyarakat Indonesia. Sepertinya mereka udah lupa dengan sejarah pahit bangsa yang sempat dijajah Bangsa Londo itu selama lebih dari 350 tahun. Ckkkk... Yang bikin tambah geleng-geleng kepala lagi, kalau saja mereka tahu, produk-produk blasteran di jaman lampau itu tak lebih hanyalah anak hasil hubungan kompeni dengan selir mereka. Hehehe, jadi inget bincang-bincang kecil gue dengan salah satu teman masa kuliah gue yang bingung dengan asal-usul dirinya. Selain berdarah Jawa, dia ternyata juga punya sedikit darah China dan Belanda. "Gak tahu, kayaknya, nenek gue ada yang pernah jadi selir orang Belanda. Wow...

Ehhm, balik lagi ke topik dominasi wajah-wajah Indo di jagat industri hiburan Tanah Air. Ada Ida Iasha, mantan bintang 'Lux' di era tahun 80-an, Tamara Bleszinsky, Luna Maya dan akhirnya Cinta Laura. Masing-masing memang punya jaman keemasannya sendiri dan sekarang memang jamannya Cinta Laura...