The failure I had recently gives me a new point of view about having a relationship with someone. A lot of things I had ignored and now I realize that I had made the wrong decision, but it doesn't make me feeling guilty anymore. The reason is I now understand about having someone who is for you and I mean it.
First of all, this experience, the thing I had been through lately, makes me think clearly about choosing the right person, about knowing exactly that he or she fits enough to fulfill our days. To be honest, I did a lot of mistakes by ignoring several advices I have had and I have head.
They are :
1. Choosing someone who has the same faith with (Let us be honest, faith and believe are things that we are raised with and we live in for the entire of our lives. Beside, we all believe, whoever GOD whom you worship, HE has prepared someone for everyone in HIS time). Just like Priest Yohan Lumoindong has said, "You want to have someone to share the rest of your life, just ask HIM who is The Creator, you don't have to look for yourselves in shopping centre or clubbing place.
2. Having someone special who can be your very best friend. That is the important value that I search now in my potential future husband. I believe that an healthy relationship is based on how the couple find the chemistry between them, to help them understanding each other's presence and feeling comfort together.
3. Parents' agreement because I now believe it holds important role in building a relationship with someone. Well, maybe, they don't always know what the best thing for our lives but our parents are blessed with the right sense to know the best thing for their children. I got this good advice from Lena, one of my close friend. Yeah, you are right, Len and I should confess that my mom has had bad sign with this guy on the first day she met him.
4.Balance. My cousin once said that it will be difficult to be with someone who has different background with us. It affects a lot on how the couple share their thoughts because they have different values and different point of views.
5. Last but it's not the least, one of my friend once blamed me : YOU HAVE BROKEN TWO RULES IN DATING. You're dating someone who is your co-worker and he's also not trully avaible. Yeah, I was stupid that time but I have changed a lot now.
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