27 March 2010

Jalan Jaksa

Hanging out at the café, clubbing or just going to the cinema are such the great ways to calm our nerves, after the long, exhausted hours at work. It’s not difficult to do such things at Jakarta, since we can find any kind of entertaining spots almost everywhere. Well, you just name what you want and voila, you’ll find the place and have some fun there.

It’s worth also to visit the different spots of this city. That new experience will give us another perspective about Jakarta. We can fell another ambience of the new places we’ve never seen before, get the different perspective and have fun too there.

One of the places you should visit is Jalan Jaksa. It’s a name of the street near Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta. It is famous as a paradise for those who are called the backpackers, just like Bukit Bintang in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia or Khaosan Road in Bangkok, Thailand.

We can find a lot of cheap guesthouses there, surrounded by cafés, bars, handy crafts stores and many more. Its atmosphere will make us comfortable and feel like at home with the hospitality and familiar treats from the local people around. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time there and wish to come back again.

Don’t worry about the hectic and crowded situation we use to see in Jakarta. It’s quite tranquil here. There aren’t many cars or bicycles passing by this street. This condition makes you able to walk along Jalan Jaksa, feel the night ambience, try new food or drink and maybe flirt with one or two cute girls or handsome guys there.

18 March 2010

Sebuah Konklusi Sotoy Tentang Relationship

Iseng-iseng baca entry-entry lama di blog, gue nemu entry tentang pandangan ‘My Love My Darling’ tentang cewek idamannya.

Jadi ceritanya, waktu itu, somebody, just call him ‘Melon’, dumped me karena gue dinilai terlalu oon. Huh, nyebelin banget kan? Gara-gara itu, gue jadi nangis bombay dan akhirnya curhat ke bapak itu.

Melon wrote on 11/10/2007 at 12.48.39 AM :
I’m afraid we shouldn’t meet anymore, Dear 
We simply don’t seem to be interested in the same ideas and ideals…
Language skils or not 

Sesi curhat by e-mail antara gue dan dia itulah yang gue rangkum saat ini. Kalau banyak ngaconya, yah maklum aja, namanya juga konklusi sotoy, hahaha…

Gak bisa dipungkiri, kalau dalam sebuah relationship, kesamaan interest itu ngebantu banget untuk membuat sebuah hubungan works well at the beginning. Tapi biarpun begitu, akan jauh lebih baik, kalau ada perbedaan-perbedaan di antara pasangan itu.

Soalnya perbedaan-perbedaan itulah yang membuat warna dalam sebuah hubungan. Dengan demikian, setiap orang can teach each other the new things they know very well.

Be the real you alias jadi diri loe sendiri. Hubungan yang pake topeng a.k.a fake itu sama sekali enggak asyik. Jadi, daripada sibuk nutup-nutupin borok yang loe punya, mending dari awal loe udah nunjukin asli loe kayak gimana. Like he said, ‘I like the girls who can express themselves.’

Gak cuma cewek, cowok juga butuh pasangan yang smart. Tapi pintar-nya gak secara akademis doank yah. Versi ‘smart’ beliau adalah perempuan yang bisa membuat keputusan sendiri, mampu ngebuat intelligent conclusions dan juga bisa ngebuat percakapan yang menarik yang punya substance. Sense of humor ternyata juga kudu, mesti, wajib dan harus hukumnya!!!

Not trying to be show-off yah, here what he thinks about me : “You are a smart girl and you are fun too!!’ Hahaha, minta digetok mode on ceritanya ;p

12 March 2010

Poor Old Lady

This 100 year-old Chinese woman should be suffered with her condition. There's a horn appears from the left-side of her forehead. It measures around 5 to 6 cm and even the horn doesn't harm Zhang Ruifang, but I'm sure she's unhappy with her situation.

09 March 2010

Après Six Mois

C’est déjà 6 mois après on parlait au telephone pour la première fois
Je ne nie plus que je ne rencontre jamais un homme comme toi

Tu es charmant, intelligent, rigolo et sage
J’aime bien discuter avec toi, especiallement quand j’ai des problèmes ou je fais des erreurs

Jusqu’à maintenant, je ne sais pas encore ce que passe entre nous
C’est pourquoi je ne suis pas très sûre est-ce que tu penses aussi à moi
Mais une chose je m’assure : Tu as déjà touché mon coeur