24 November 2007

la vie est belle mais elle est courte...

Hari ini, seorang tetangga menunjukkan padaku cucu lelakinya yang hari ini genap berusia 1 minggu. Ingatanku kemudian melayang, mengingat sudah satu minggu namboruku berpulang. Ada yang datang dan ada juga yang pergi. Itulah hidup, indah namun fana.

Tatkala seseorang telah menunaikan kewajibannya di dunia, memberangkatkan kelima putra-putrinya menjadi mandiri dan mempertahankan Kristus di dalam hatinya, yang lain datang untuk mengembang kewajiban yang masih terbentang panjang di depan matanya.

Hidup ini cuma sementara. Ungkapan ini benar-benar menohok sanubariku tatkala melihat jenazah terbujur kaku di depan mataku. Seperti minggu lalu, Sabtu, 17 November, dini hari, sekitar pukul 00.35. WIB, Tuhan memanggil namboru tercinta kami ke pangkuanNYA. Kakak nomor lima ayah kami ini berpulang di usianya yang ke-70 tahun.

Kenangan terakhir yang terukir di benak adalah tatkala beliau menghadiri acara pertunangan adik, pada tanggal 6 Oktober 2007 lalu. Tatkala itu, Namboru Bekasi, begitu kami biasa menyapanya, mengenakan blus cantik berwarna kuning.

"Bou, cantik sekali bajunya," begitu sapaku tatkala kami berkumpul di aula bawah gereja, usai acara perjanjian hendak menikah di sana.

Seraya tersenyum padaku, beliau menyorongkan pipinya seraya berkata, "Cium dulu Bou!"

Tak berselang lama, kakak sepupuku, yang adalah putri bungsunya, menyuruhku untuk menemani beliau untuk pergi ke kamar mandi. Dengan perlahan, kutuntun tubuhnya yang telah renta menuju ke kamar mandi. Di sana, ia agak menemui kesulitan saat mengancingkan kembali celana panjangnya. Dengan telaten, aku kemudian membantunya.

Beberapa hari kemudian, aku mendengar kabar, beliau menjalani cuci darah pertamanya di rumah sakit Cikini, Jakarta Pusat. Setelah itu, ia tak sadar diri hingga harus dimasukkan di ruang ICU. Selama dua minggu ia menjalani perawatan hingga Tuhan memanggilnya kembali, untuk bertemu dengan dua abang, satu adik serta kedua orangtuanya. Selamat jalan Bou...

11 November 2007

pesan menyejukkan dari seorang sahabat

* I got this from one of my friend, edited by me, since there are some private things about him, just to respect his privacy *

Hi Rosa,

Wow so many questions you have this time. Let me see if I can answer them all for you.

>Just wondering, what do you look for girlfriend, and
> to be far, a wife? I mean do you need to have the same
> passion with her? Like both of you read the same
> books, listen to the same music? Or what? If she
> doesn't, does it make you feel not comfortable to be
> with her? Makes you decide to quit?

It does help to have similar interests, especially in the begining, but ultimately I think its better when you have some differences. That way you can introduce each other to new things. I like a girl who is open minded and willing to try new things. I like someone who will show me new things too.

I think the thing that makes me uncomfortable with a girl is if she isn't comfortable with herself or if she is fake. I like someone who is real and not trying to be someone they aren't. I also like someone who is open and able to express themselves.

> Does she shoud be clever? What makes you think that
> she's clever? How do you judge it? How about me? I
> mean do you find out that I'm stupid or what? Please
> tell me, because I really need to know? What
> impression do you have from me from what we have
> discussed? Please tell me, honestly.

Like I said before I like a smart girl. But that doesn't mean school smart only. There is a balance between school smart and being generally smart. I like a girl who can make decisions on her own and make intelligent conclusions. Someone who can have a interesting conversation about things that have substance but not so much as to be boring or overly nerdy. I really like sharing things like interests and knowledge. I love new things, so someone who can introduce me to new things is a big plus. I like a girl who has some excitement to her but not crazy. Sense of humor is a must. Someone who likes to laugh and smiles a lot. Those are my two weaknesses.

> Your DESPERATELY SAD friend,
> Rosa

Are you sad Rosa? I didn't realize that you were. Please don't think
too much into this kind of stuff. We are who we are and its impossible to
try to make yourself into someone that everyone will like. What most
people like is someone who is comfortable with themself and is happy
with who they are. I can tell you that most people like someone who smiles
and laughs a lot. That makes them fun to be with. Be yourself and you
will find someone who likes and will love you for who you are. You are
a smart girl and you are fun too. You just need to be more confident
and comfortable with who you are. Push yourself to overcome your fears
and you will gain confidence.

Take care,
